‘The Allotment’ - A poem by Jacqui about her experience at Redbridge Allotment - Client Stories


The Allotment

I am sitting over the allotment of fruit and veg 

In Redbridge

I am doing some planting

Bulbs and seeds in the flower beds

I am taking in the sounds and smells that 

Are around me

I am hearing the trees blowing

A cold breeze blowing my hair off my face

My hands are getting dirty by digging up the seeds or bulbs in the ground

My mind is clear from all the troubles that are going on in my present time

I really enjoyed myself over there

It is a release

From the hostel life and all my stress

And worries that are going on

The seeds and the bulbs will be done for spring/summer 

Next year

And look lovely

All the different colours and smells

Written by Jacqui


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