GreenHouse Project Summer Camping Trip With Jason Lee House

At the end of July, four residents from Jason Lee House, myself (Lorena) and Eli and Beth (staff from JLH) went camping for a night on the edge of Epping Forest. 

The campsite is a short trip away from Ilford where you are surrounded by fields, rivers and forest, offering an accessible change of environment, a breath of fresh air. One client said they felt they had been away for a month! We both commented how nice it was to be able to do something different, all together, post lockdown. When I asked Paul what he would say to SHP residents who might be thinking about joining a camping trip he said...

Please engage, It was absolutely worthwhile'

- Paul, JLH resident 

I have been facilitating gardening and allotment sessions as part of the GreenHouse Project for 2 years at Jason Lee House and when asking residents what outdoor activities they were interested in doing as part of GreenHouse Project, camping came up time and time again. So, this summer we were able to pilot three camping trips across North and South London thanks to generous funding from Bupa

Staff and I consulted with Jason Lee House residents to make sure we created a trip which everyone could enjoy, including residents with additional physical needs. We booked 2 accessible ‘pods’ and decided on roomy tents; discussing possible food and activities before we went. 

Some residents had never been on a camping trip and when asking what their highlights from the trip were, they included; putting the tents up, playing cards, everyone being so relaxed, the bike ride, going into the forest, dancing around the BBQ and the fantastic music Eli provided. Residents also noted that the trip was well organised! They liked getting out, enjoying the fresh air and doing something different outdoors. 

The trip also offered residents a chance to spend quality time with staff outside the ‘normal’ residency setting so hopefully building stronger bonds to help us support clients in a more holistic way on their journey through SHP. We wanted the trip to offer some light relief and enjoyment, and that the positive effects would be reflected through the work the residents are doing with their keyworkers. 

‘It was refreshing, it was a nice experience, a good atmosphere’ 

- Shaba, JLH 

Having heard overwhelmingly positive feedback from clients and staff we hope to continue to run camping trips every summer as part of our GreenHouse Project activities to help SHP residents connect with their environment, reduce isolation, build confidence and work towards recovery. 

Blog by Lorena Vila | GreenHouse Project Coordinator, North London 

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