Wonderful Collaboration With Our GreenHouse Project + GoodGym Volunteers This Spring
Photo of GoodGymer & Lorena, of GreenHouse Project - North London. Original blog post here
We’ve had some wonderful visits from GoodGym this Spring. GoodGym is a community of runners that combines getting fit with doing good. GoodGymers have joined our GreenHouse Project & ROC teams in SHP greenspaces in North London, Islington to Redbridge. From planting donations from Rochford Gardens in our Allotment, to tree planting in a hostel garden greenspace, we are truly grateful for the helping hands and smiling faces of GoodGym volunteers.
Here is what some of the GoodGymers and SHP staff have said about the collaboration:
“At GoodGym we like to get fit by doing good, we walk, run or cycle to help the local community with practical tasks, in essence we work out by helping with local community projects. The SHP allotments are an ideal task for GoodGym Redbridge as Ilford is one of the main hubs of the borough and low skilled gardening is one of the things we do best. We are quite content to do whatever needs doing from the weeding to planting and general maintenance of the site to assist this worthwhile project. In return the SHP assists us with getting fit and having good team work experiences.”
- Linda from GoodGym
“A MASSIVE thank you from myself and the Greenhouse team - you're helping make green spaces beautiful, thriving locations which allow our clients to better enjoy the outdoors and have outdoor experiences which can contribute to huge benefits for mental wellbeing, personal development and recovery. “
- Lorena, SHP GreenHouse Manager, North
“It was great having the support from GoodGym at the allotment, they are a super helpful group, always keen to help with all tasks and getting their hands dirty. Your support is invaluable to our allotment and we are so happy to be able to care and enjoy this space together! Many thanks for all your hard work and hope to see you on site soon!”
- Julia, SHP GreenHouse Freelancer
”At Islington Complex Needs we’d like to give a massive shout out to GoodGym for their amazing work over the past month in Ashley Road and Highbury New Park Islington Complex Needs services, which have huge gardens.
At Ashley Road they helped with the task of planting in some of our many generous plant donations by....... guided by one of Ashley Road’s residents in the design (see picture of raised border)
At Highbury New Park which had become overgrown, a good ridding of mainly borage by the good gym volunteers towards the front parts of the garden has really helped me (ROC, Charlotte) and Project worker Andrezj start to get things more accessible for summer growing and we are making progress, planting lots of vegetables and herbs and clearing the seating area further for a BBQ soon! We have decided to keep the back of the garden more wild for wildlife and insects. We recently had a family of foxes… until elsewhere started feeding them! We are hoping to get residents more involved in gardening again now that it is back in shape.
GoodGym are an incredibly friendly and enthusiastic bunch of people to have around and totally blitzed the tasks… they didn’t even want one of my slightly dodgy cups of tea. We are really grateful and looking forward to having you back soon at both services.”
- Charlotte Hailey-Watts, SHP ROC Worker
Heres a collection of this Spring’s GoodGym x SHP snaps:
Thanks to Lorena of GreenHouse Project & Charlotte of Team ROC for the content & lovely feedback.. And a big thanks to Goodgym & Rochfords for their contributions!
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