SHP is celebrating PRIDE this month!


As the world is turned upside down by a global pandemic and by anti-racist protests at the death of George Floyd we want to celebrate just how much there is to be proud of and how much work is still being done. With celebrations of the lives, experiences and joys of all our LGBTQIA+ family within SHP!

What is PRIDE? 


PRIDE is a celebration of history, of love for other people, ourselves, and a stand against discrimination. PRIDE Month happens every year to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. Each year countries across the world celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, demisexual, pansexual, demigender, non-binary and queer social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride.  

PRIDE is also about inclusion and intersectionality. The annual UK Black PRIDE event at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens is Europe’s largest celebration for LGBTQIA+ people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and Latin American descent. 2020 would have found London home to the first Muslim Pride in the UK and ParaPride, a charity that focuses on the intersection between the disabled and LGBTQIA+ communities marched for the first time last year. 

YP Logo Competition Winner

YP Services had 24 hours to make an SHP PRIDE logo. Congratulations Sam from Islington for your amazing design! 

SHP_PRIDE 2020_Sam (YP), Islington FS.jpg

“LGBTQIA+ community, we are a rainbow of peace and love that is spreading across the world, my inspiration for doing this logo was for pride day since this day is most important day for gay liberation!  June 28th 1969 early hours of the morning in New York manhattan. Their was a police raid at a gay bar in Greenwich village the bar is the stone wall inn, and is still there till This day. ”PRIDE'' is an important day for American history as well as the nation. In the 60s there was a lot of homophobia against the LGBTQ community. There is a quote here that states their peaceful statement. ”We homosexuals plead with our people to help maintain a peaceful and quiet conduct on the streets of the village..”  They wanted no harm but a right to be able walk on these streets without being arrested for their sexual orientation, beaten or abused! The communities fought back when police became violent; this day formed activist groups to start the movement to fight for freedom! To be able to walk freely and to honour themselves and say ”I am gay and proud” To let their rainbow shine, spread your wings and sing your song. You cannot help who you fall In love with scream from your heart gay liberation! Because we are human we are one shine your rainbow and dance across earth whilst lighting up dull parts of our planet. Fight for your civil rights. 50 years and we have done ourselves proud, the rainbow beam gets stronger as time goes on. Just remember when the sun smiles at you smile back at the Sun with your rays scream to sky and let the world hear your call. You are the paintbrush paint this world with awareness and spread the rainbow love to all. Love wins It conquers all, it always will win.”

~ Sam

Pride Zine Call-Out 

 A zine (/ziːn/ ZEEN; short for magazine or fanzine) 

For the first ever SHP-Wide Zine, we ask - Why do we celebrate PRIDE?  How do we tell our stories? What does PRIDE mean for you? And what and who do you want people to know?


Send your artworks, stories, quotes, images, poems, thoughts, reflections, memories, video recorded messages, selfies to and it will be collected up into a bumper A5 zine, as well as taking pride of place on the SHP Opportunities Website and social media platforms.

Ideas for zine content, discussions and activities :

Lift up and share

Who are your LGBTQIA+ hero/ines? Your favourite queer musicians? Which authors and directors have inspired you? Who are the trailblazers and key historical figures everyone should know about? Send a review, a top ten list, your favourite quote or track! However you want to celebrate!

Space for our stories

What’s it like to be LGBTQIA+ and living in supported accommodation? What are the important queer histories, key dates, timelines, experiences and people? Send us a history in pictures! What does it mean to be an ally and why is it important? What are your experiences of inclusion, representation and diversity? 

PRIDE banner making 

Even though we can’t march this year, that’s no reason not to make a banner! Send in pics of your banners and socially distanced celebrations. Organise an art competition in your project!

SoundHouse Loud & Proud Playlists

SHP_PRIDE 2020_SoundHouse_loud and proud (1).jpg

Would you like to help build a playlist? The SoundHouse Project Would love to hear from you! 

Pick a track that has meaning for you and we will upload it to a playlist. Tell us in a few words why you chose it and if you wish a message to inspire others.

Email tracks to

LGBTQIA+ Working Group

  • Did you know the UK government hasn't banned gay conversion therapy two years after it pledged to end the practice?

  • Did you know that 24% of homeless young people are LGBTQIA?

  • Did you know that there's no non-binary gender option on passports?

  • Did you know that transgender prisoners are put in the wrong prisons?

  • Did you know gay and bi men can't donate blood for 3 months after having sex?

  • Did you know that inter-sexed babies are operated on by the NHS as it's considered a disorder even though it's not medically necessary?

These are but a few of the issues that our LGBTQIA+ clients and staff face, this is why we need an SHP working support group!  This is where we need YOU!

Together we can form a co-produced working group that can support our clients and staff alike with facing these issues, time is of the essence, which is why many hands make light work and it needs to happen NOW!

This group is open to staff and clients however they identify.

Email us at to register interest, ask questions, raise topics or submit ideas.  


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