ArtHouse Project Announces Funding For The ‘Creative Industries Project’ - Awarded By ScottishPower Foundation


We are delighted to announce that we've been awarded funding from the ScottishPower Foundation. The funding will support the - to be launched - Creative Industries Project (CIP) as part of our existing creative programme, run by SHP’s art-based programme – Arthouse and SHP’s employment initiative – Achieving Potential.

“Sixteen charities across the UK are set to share almost £1.2 million funding from the ScottishPower Foundation, which supports incredible projects that make a positive impact on people and communities across the country… this year’s Foundation-funded projects – which support art and culture, education and empowerment, citizenship and society, and biodiversity and climate change – were selected on the basis of the significant and lasting contributions they will make to society, while enhancing people’s quality of life.”


The purpose of the Creative Industries Project is to bridge the gap between both existing programmes; ArtHouse & Achieving Potential, to provide creative and exciting and sustainable opportunities for our residents in our services. We aim to achieve this through offering training courses, further education, and employment within the creative industries in London.

We will be working with our ‘Client’s Journey’ which focuses on 3 key areas:  

1.     Skills Development - The Creative Industries Project will be delivering 9-week training programmes across SHP services in with some of London's leading creative industry professionals in: Film-making, Jewellery Making & Carpentry.

2.     Professional Confidence – To ensure the skills learnt from the training courses are transferred into the world of creative work and education. SHP’s Education and Employment service will be working alongside industry professional supporting clients with CV/portfolio workshops, regular 1-2-1s and work placement/job searching. 

3.     Industry Experience – Our industry partners provide us with various opportunities for clients from work placements, mentoring, further training, and paid job roles. 

We are soon to announce our three-leading training partners and are on the search for external creative placement providers ...We are so excited and can't wait for our clients to get stuck into this fantastic opportunity! More information to come soon...

If you are interested to take part in this opportunity as a partner please contact Arts Manager

Details on how to refer a client will be announced soon.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

About ScottishPower Foundation: The ScottishPower Foundation was established in May 2013 and reinforces our commitment to support charitable work throughout Britain. The Foundation provides funding to registered charities for the following purposes:

  • the advancement of education

  • the advancement of environmental protection

  • the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science

  • the prevention or relief of poverty and the relief of those in need by reason of disability or other disadvantage

  • the advancement of citizenship and community development.

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